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Viewed 53 times
A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage. A blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten. We all looked at each other and another customer asked, "What ...


Viewed 32 times

Santa's Little Helpers

Viewed 17 times
I suppose this explains why he's always so jolly...
Santa's little helpers

Microsoft Windaz 2000

Viewed 17 times
New Australian version of Windows...
Aussie Windaz 2000

Buddy learns a new trick...

Viewed 15 times
Ya know, just make up your own joke here...

Cat Carrier

Viewed 13 times
Cat Carrier


Viewed 13 times
Actual float in Germany...
clinton float

Brave Dog

Viewed 13 times
brave dog

Why cats don't like tequila

Viewed 13 times
Too much time, and tequila, and too many limes...
lime kitty


Viewed 11 times

Cat Job

Viewed 11 times
Cat Job

Redneck Luxuries

Viewed 10 times
Redneck Swimming Pool...
Pool Redneck Yacht... Yacht

What are friends for...

Viewed 10 times

10 Reasons Not to Drink

Viewed 9 times


Viewed 9 times

Beer Goggles

Viewed 9 times


Viewed 9 times

Hot Dog

Viewed 8 times

A Redneck Christmas

Viewed 8 times

New Microsoft Logo

Viewed 8 times
Microsoft complies with "truth in advertising" requirements...
microsoft logo


Viewed 8 times

Pillsbury Dough Boy

Viewed 7 times
The untold story... 


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