Right Now
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"The only way to get rid of drug addiction in Kuwait is to legalize alcohol."
- Mohammad Rashed al-Hefaiti, candidate for the Kuwaiti parliament.
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Seven New York City bartenders were asked if they could nail a woman's personality based on what she drinks. Though interviewed separately, they concurred on almost all counts. The ...
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A man is stumbling through the woods totally drunk when he comes upon a preacher baptizing people in the river. He proceeds to walk into the water and subsequently bumps into the ...
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A young, blonde woman had the windows in
her house replaced with new double insulated,
energy efficient windows.
Twelve months later she gets an irate call from
the ...
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"Sara," said the husband, "I just got a letter from the IRS. How should I dress for my meeting? In my Armani suit or in my jeans?"
"Jacob," his wife replied, "I'm going to tell ...
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See, now THIS is what I'm talking about. A real practical application of technology... http://TableShox.com
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What does the word "kumbaya" mean?
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Tom Clancy: "I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural,
wholesome things that money can buy."
Steve Martin: "You know 'that look' women get when they want sex? ...
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"Apart from the final two days, it was such a great experience and I had a wonderful time."
- Miss England, Daniella Luan, speaking on her experiences at ...